
in exchange with中文是什么意思

  • 交换



  • 例句与用法
  • As one chooses to work with earth to anchor the " light earth dream " and to gather ancestors , one will be blessed in exchange with much healing and a delightful experience together
  • With the fleet development of mobile communication industry , the security and secrecy of information has been becoming more and more vital . nowadays , the security of communication is of great importance to confirm the safety of business information . on the situation that the mobile phone has been diffusely applied , the hidden safety troubles of mobile phone should not be ignored ( such as wire tapping , imitated handset station , blue teeth connection , in exchange with electromagnetic wave , the back door of handset , lost & stolen & lost control of mobile phone , safety of non - tone increment operation of mobile phone and cell phone virus )
    据统计,目前我国gsm网络[ 1 ] [ 13 ]已覆盖全国绝大部分地区,用户数已超过2 . 6亿,并且还在高速增长;随着手机应用的普及,手机存在的安全隐患及面临的威胁日益突出(如主动窃听、假冒机站、蓝牙连接、电磁波交换、手机后门、手机被盗、丢失或短时失控、手机非话增值业务安全以及手机病毒等) ,手机安全问题已成为当前急需解决的重要问题。
  • The second part argues that the essence of this global culture crisis is a process of informational entropy decrease in exchange with structural entropy increase . the author supposes that self - organized mechanism counteracting the entropy increase trend might exist within urban systems , and proposes two possibilities of the mechanism . the third part examines one of the two possibilities by a case study
  • 推荐英语阅读
in exchange with的中文翻译,in exchange with是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译in exchange with,in exchange with的中文意思,in exchange with的中文in exchange with in Chinesein exchange with的中文in exchange with怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
